Vote for your favourite Christmas movie!
Here's our Top 10. How do you rate them?
The TOP 10 Movies for CHRISTMAS:
1. The Snowman (1982)
2. The Abominable Snowbaby (2021)

Jan (Age 11) - ★★★★1/2
"A brilliant family movie! The highlights of this movie for me were; Kevin shoplifting, Kevin getting pizza, Kevins first encounter with the wet bandits, Kevins fight back against the wet bandits (his second encounter with the wet bandits), and Kevin's family reunion. My favourite character as might have guessed is Kevin, because he was funny and adventurous all at the same time. My favourite part of the film was Kevin first realising that he was home alone. I will watch Home Alone 2 soon so I hope that it's just as good as Home Alone (1) or better!"
Stewart - ★★★★★
'A fantastic start to the series, really conveys the magic of the book very well and what a cast! It's maybe a little overlong but when there's so much to pack in from J.K. Rowling's story then it's forgivable. Great film.'
5. The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
6. Arthur Christmas (2011)

7 . Elf (2003)
Daniel (Age 11) - ★★★★
'This was very different from the sort of movie I would normally watch but it was a really interesting story and funny too. I liked how the character was introduced in a creative way and I think there was an important message about supporting people who are different. I liked Johnny Depp's performance, although he doesn't say much we feel a lot of sympathy for the character through his facial expressions and body language. I recommend this film."
9. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
10. Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022)

What's your favourite Christmas movie?