The Unofficial Improvised Parody
Grab your wands, don your house robes, and apparate yourselves to the box office! A very magical improv show awaits... The smash-hit Spontaneous Potter is an entirely improvised wizarding comedy play, based on an audience suggestion of a fanfiction title. Hilarity ensues as an entirely new Potter adventure is magically improvised on the spot - with live musical accompaniment!
Previous titles performed include
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce
Harry Potter and the Neville Wears Prada
Harry Potter and the Rise of the Planet of the Snapes
Harry Potter and the Struggle for a Decent Mortgage in This Economy
Assembly Roxy - Thursday 9th June
Kenny (Age 17) - ★★★★★
"The play was very witty and chaotic which I think worked well for the peace, i also liked how quick on their toes the actors were with the suggestions and how they could make them into cohesive narratives with different characters and subplots, and of course how they made each one extremely funny."
Stewart - ★★★★
"The whole audience clearly has a blast with these greatly skilled improvisors. The show starts off with some suggestions for a quick scene before the big storyline begins - all based on audience suggestions for the title. Cameron suggested Harry Potter and the Insurance Fraud which ended up being the show that was performed that night.
It was hilarious with some very funny takes on Harry Potter characters along the way with some very rude and adult material (thankfully this wasn't the kids version ha!). Great stuff and will definitely go along to see this again sometime. It's on at the festival this year so catch it if you can, especially if you are a HP fan."

How do you rate the Harry Potter movies?...
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