Musical comedy show featuring Henry VIII's six wives finally telling their side of the story through music and accompanied by a six piece band.
Nominated for 5 Olivier Awards including Best New Musical, the sell-out London smash hit SIX is the phenomenon everyone is losing their head over!
From Tudor queens to pop princesses, the six wives of Henry VIII finally take to the mic to tell their tales, remixing five hundred years of historical heartbreak into a 75-minute celebration of 21st century girl power. These Queens may have green sleeves but their lipstick is rebellious red. Direct from the West End, the sell-out smash hit SIX is 'the best the West End has to offer’ (Daily Telegraph).
Think you know the rhyme, think again…
Divorced. Beheaded. LIVE!
Festival Theatre Edinburgh
Until 26th March
Part of UK Tour
Also Vaudeville Theatre, London
Tuesday 22nd March - Stewart
Hollye (Age 12) - ★★★★★★
"Six was so fun, I have been wanting to see it for ages and it was definitely worth the wait. It was extremely funny and sarcastic, the songs were also wonderful. I give it six stars!"
Mylo (Age 14) - ★★★★★
"The performance was thrilling, the sound and lighting was superb and the costumes and make up were sublime. So, what show am I talking about, well, it goes by the name of Six and is a musical performance about the wives of Henry the eighth. I find it hard to express the extent of greatness that the singing had and when accompanied by the dancing it created a fantastic show. It was engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like me, the actors seemed to be enjoying themselves as well. It was outstanding and achieved a well deserved standing ovation."
Stewart - ★★★★
"This show is great fun, a pop concert and a history lesson in one. Also it's pretty funny as well! Cast are great and the live band (everyone on stage identifies as female) are fantastic. Any fans of girl bands like Little Mix, Girls Aloud, etc will enjoy this show.
The show doesn't go anywhere particularly unpredictable but that's not the point of the show, just go along and pop along with some of history's most misrepresented characters finally setting things right. There's a few songs in here you'll be adding to your playlists!
Brilliant that a show that started at the Fringe Festival has turned into this hugely successful musical."
Make sure you have booked in for the latest DRAMA CLASSES at Mix Up Theatre throughout Scotland and Online :)