Don’t miss Northern Ballet’s hugely popular Ugly Duckling as it returns to the stage this Spring.
Ugly Duckling is lonely and fed-up, ignored by those around her who think she is too ugly to fit in. She tries to make friends with fellow ducklings as well as with frogs, cats, and even a fox, but realising she is not like any of these animals, she is left sad and alone.
Follow the duckling on her journey as she overcomes her troubles and learns to love herself and those around her. Retelling the famous Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, Ugly Duckling is the perfect opportunity for your little ones to enjoy live ballet, music and theatre for the first time.
Festival Theatre, Edinburgh - Sunday 23rd April - Part of UK Tour
Esme (Age 5) - ★★★★★
"I thought the Ugly Duckling was a very good show and I loved going to see it. After seeing my first ballet I would like to see loads more. It’s not like the dancing at my own (modern) dance class after school. I can’t wait to see more ballet because of the different dancing and thecostumes they wear. Also, the music at my class does not use the instruments which the
ballet does. I enjoyed listening when watching the animals dance.
In the story, Mummy Duck wasn’t very happy when the egg smashed and the Ugly Duckling came out. The Ugly Duckling transformed into a Swan just before the end.
At the start the Duckling’s dancing was a little bit like the other ducks. I knew from Mummy Duck’s dancing that she didn’t like the duckling from the moment she saw it.
The Swan Queen had the best costume because she looked like snow with wings. She
danced much, much better than the ducklings and I think she did the best ballet dancing.
The Frogs were my favourite characters because they were really fun. I liked it when they
rolled over each other’s backs and jumped high when dancing.
The Fox was exciting too because he chased Ugly and the ducklings around the stage - he
wanted to eat them!
The stage was like springtime and my favourite was the pond with the Frogs because it was bright green.
The music at the show was happy. I liked seeing the instruments being played next to the
dancers. I could hear the piano, violin and trumpet – even lots of duck sounds.
Overall rating: 5 stars – excellent!"
Ailsa (Age 3)
"My favourite part was when the three ducks were naughty and threw the egg to each other
and then it smashed! I liked another bit with the Cats too."
Grandma (best not ask!)
"This ballet was very good and well timed for the spring with children in the audience really engaged. The dancers’ skill was evident as children understood how the story was expressedwith laughter easily coming forth in all the intended places.
In previous outings the pantomime has been a little overwhelming in places for our 3 year
old. However, this ballet was very inclusive of younger years; and not overlong at 40
minutes; making for a relaxing experience for all the family."
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