Murmur is an immersive sound theatre experience, with murmuring backpacks, a landscape of scattered tiny speakers and an acrobatic composer.
Camiel is building a world full of sounds. A purring cat comes from a pocket, a swarm of bees flies through the air, two arms create the sound of cars. Surrounded by the audience, Camiel jumps, falls, rolls, and flies in his attempt to compose the world. Suddenly the audience’s backpacks start to buzz and everything and everyone becomes part of a swirl of sounds in a loudspeaker landscape.
Following their sell-out show Plock at the Children’s Festival 2022, Grensgeval delivers a fizzing new circus sound theatre for all the senses!
"A dancing symphony for one acrobat, two speakers and a score of tiny sound-boxes: Murmur balances on the border between acrobatics and sound". Circusmagazine
The Studio - Part of Imaginate Festival
Esme (Age 5) - ★★★★★
"My favourite part of the show was when he was hanging upside down on the speaker boxes
swinging around because I haven’t seen anything like that before. I wondered how he could
do that.
Everyone had to put on backpacks and it was exciting when the ones we had made
motorbike noises and loud beeps. The sound of the bees and the creaking stairs were the
best ones from the little speakers he moved around and asked the boys and girls to hold.
Another favourite part of mine was when he was walking around on his hands. His dancing
was really, really good and I liked sitting on the bench because I was a bit closer to him
dancing and hugging the speakers.
I was really interested what would happen next with the speakers because they were
swinging around and dancing in between them was like he was trying to escape.
I would recommend Murmur to anyone who likes acrobatics and dancing.
Overall Esme rating: 100 out of 5 stars."
"This performance certainly exceeded its billing as an immersive sound and movement
experience. Although the show could be deemed challenging for children, in terms of the
unpredictability of movement and sound as well as the non-traditional narrative, this was
absolutely not the case. Instead the audience was totally captivated from start to finish by
the lead’s commanding presence as he interpreted sound for us in an engaging way.
Children and adults alike were put at ease whilst simultaneously anticipating the wonder of
what would happen next. Overall, Murmur prove to be a masterclass introduction for young
people to experimental theatre."
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