A sell-out hit at Edinburgh Fringe 2023 returns for the Scottish International Storytelling Festival! Arty is a day-dreaming, inquisitive young polar bear who was born in Scotland but longs to see the world. When he inadvertently ends up on a voyage far from home, Arty discovers more than he bargained for...
This moving spoken-word show from critically acclaimed collective Stuart Kenny (poet), Grant Robertson (musician/composer), Lottie Whittingham (musician) and Lewis Gillies (illustrator), takes the audience on a rip-roaring adventure across heather, hill, ocean and snow.
Friday 20th October, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh
Part of Scottish International Storytelling Festival - 13th - 29th October 2023
Alfie (Age 11) - ★★★★1/2
"I really loved the show. The music was impressive and happy, the spoken word was entertaining. The story was immersive but it did take a wee while to become immersive. All the characters were really nice and heart warming. I found it funny."
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