A comedic one-person show about a journey of self-discovery from a chance nightclub toilet encounter.
In a nightclub toilet in the heart of Glasgow, a failed graffiti attempt goes wrong and eighteen-year-old Weegie, Kev, ends up meeting and befriending a stranger…a posh young guy of all people.
An unlikely friendship evolves as the boys discover mutual ground. Bonded by The Great Gatsby, Freddie Mercury, and a love of storytelling this mismatched duo weave a coming-of-age story of self-discovery.
Kev Campbell Was He is a hilarious and moving one-person show that explores masculinity in modern Scotland. It was a finalist of the David MacLennan Award 2024 and received rave reviews at last year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Traverse Theatre - Part of A Play, A Pie, A Pint
Sarah - ★★★★★
"Kev Campbell Was He as a part of A Play, A Pie, A Pint Spring season does an excellent job of looking at class consciousness and unlikely friendships. Alexander Tait does an incredible job of playing a variety of parts and flavouring the story with the characters. See this funny and moving show while you can!"

Tue 4 Mar - Sat 19 Apr, 1PM
Ticket types:
£18.50 - A Play, A Pie & A Pint ticket
A pie and a pint of beer/125ml glass of house wine or a regular glass of soft drink.
A vibrant mix of themes, characters and stories.
Lunchtime performances.
Easily digestible 50-min plays.
£13 - Play only ticket
A vibrant mix of themes, characters and stories.
Lunchtime performances.
Easily digestible 50-min plays.
Make sure you have booked in for the latest DRAMA CLASSES at Mix Up Theatre throughout Scotland :)