20th May 2020 - First cast Read-through...

'The Crucible'... what happens when?
Here's a little recap on the main events of The Crucible. It's a good idea to learn what happens when, so that you can consider how elements of performance and design might change as the plot progresses.

Act Two - the Proctors' house, a week later
The witchcraft trials have started. Elizabeth believes that John can stop the trials by telling the court that Abigail is lying, but John is reluctant.
The Proctors' servant, Mary Warren, returns from Salem - thirty-nine women are in jail for witchcraft. Elizabeth's name has been mentioned in court. Mary gives Elizabeth a doll she's made.
Reverend Hale arrives to question Elizabeth.
Giles Corey and Francis Nurse burst in - their wives have been arrested.
Two court officials arrest Elizabeth - Abigail claims Elizabeth's spirit stuck a needle in her.
John tells Mary she must tell the court that Abigail is lying.