It's SHARK WEEK this week at Mix Up Theatre!
#taskmastermixup challenge - Draw a pic of a shark or make one and send in to us...
Tell us a SHARK FACT...
Prizes to be WON!
Shark Fact #1 - Sharks do not have bones - from Sophie
Shark Fact #2 - A baby shark is called a Pup - from Nina
Shark Fact #3 - Basking sharks eat plankton - from Saraya
Shark Fact #4 - Tonic Immobility is when a shark is turned upside down, it goes into a trance state - from Brooke
Shark Fact #5 - .....
How many Shark Facts can we come up with?
Monday 4pm - Age 5-7s - Shark Family
Monday 5pm - Age 8-11s - Shark Attack
Saturday 11am - Age 5-11s - Shark Hunt
Here's a model you can make from card...

Here's when 2 Vikings Review Films About Fish reviewed JAWS
Some pics from SHARK WEEK...
Well done to Mylo for winning the challenge! Here's the terrifying mug on its way to him!
Here's Brooke's Shark Pic and Fact :)
Mylo's shark models....
"We're gonna need a smaller pink boat."
Stewart's printer ran out of ink so the shark came out Pink - Shall we call him Pinky?
Saraya's awesome shark pic...