We're taking a look back at the 5 years of Mix Up Theatre and keeping an archive of our work in the blog...
DID YOU KNOW? Mix Up Theatre was originally called Mix 'N' Pick Theatre? But so many people kept getting the name wrong and calling it Pick 'N' Mix Theatre. SO because there was always a Mix Up we changed the name!
Also Mix Up Theatre suits us best because we provide a Mix Up of opportunities/workshops and lots of special guests which we've continued to this day...

DAY ONE - Saturday 24th September 2016!
The first few pics of the first ever term at Mix Up Theatre - Edinburgh
Physical Theatre Workshop with Jordan Blackwood

Object Puppetry with Theatre Sans Accents
Directing Workshop with Jordan Blackwood
Physical Theatre / Movement Workshop with Teatro Manuel from Malta

Clowning workshop with Andrew Swain

Devising Text - Youth Theatre Arts Scotland - Chrysalis Festival - Traverse Theatre
Chrysalis Festival - Youth Theatre Arts Scotland - Traverse Theatre with Teatro Manuel

Some videos...
More of our favourite pics from this term...
MIX UP PERFORMANCES - Men in White / The Christmas Dinner
Who else did we work with?...
Jordy Deelight - teacher
Activising for Change - student