'What if it was you, you were the last individual of the species, The Endling?' Visually beautiful and laugh-out-loud funny, Strange Futures use their 'powerful physicality' (Scotsman) to discuss environmental and species extinction in 'this thoughtful and refreshingly non-accusatory show. Worth watching' **** (LondonTheatre1.com). This quirky two-hander offers a 'savagely relevant concept' (Artistic Director, Lion & Unicorn) as it explores the interconnectedness of human existence, with the lives and deaths of other species. Supported by ACE Project Grants and with a physical vocabulary workshopped with Julian Spooner (Rhum and Clay).
Theatre - Devised - Physical Theatre
Underbelly Cowgate
Until 19th August - 14:10pn
Age? 12+
Company: Strange Futures
Daniel (Age 12) - ★★★★
"The Endling was an interesting show that was confusing but also entertaining. It left you thinking and overall was good show that I enjoyed."
Stewart - ★★★★
"Two excellent performers lead this thought-provoking, strange dreamlike show. With quirky humour and impressive physicality this is a show that leaves you thinking about the existentiality of man and beast. Very good!"
Strange Futures came and ran a physical theatre workshop with us at our Fringe Festival Summer Camp...
Make sure you have booked in for the latest DRAMA CLASSES at Mix Up Theatre throughout Scotland and Online :)