Join Professors Lexi Con and Noel Edge (the Word Nerd and the Science Freak) for a thrilling voyage through the alphabet – where fascinating words inspire spectacular science! It's a tongue-twisting race from A to Z that's equal parts explosive, messy, hilarious, fascinating and gross. Brace yourself for an hour of carefully crafted alphabetical, scientifical (multi award-winning!) chaos.
Children's Shows (Comedy, Science and Technology)
Underbelly, George Square - Udderbelly
until 25th August, 12:30
Age? 5+
Felicity (Age 5) - ★★★★★
"It was about science and words and letters. It was excellent. My favourite part was when it was raining doughnuts and when we got wet! I also liked the explosions, the end part was the best!"
We had a workshop with That Science Gang at our Fringe camp...
Make sure you have booked in for the latest DRAMA CLASSES at Mix Up Theatre throughout Scotland and Online :)