Enemies. Balconies. Kissing... sausage rolls!? Three idiots perform Shakespeare's tragedy, using only a box of tatty wigs, a floral dress and an airbed they found by the bins. Described as 'like Horrible Histories but funnier' (Primary Times), Rubbish Shakespeare Company are back with an anarchic and joyous family-friendly event. Featuring clowning, slapstick, and clever, mischievous storytelling, this Fringe favourite production is the perfect introduction to Shakespeare (or even theatre itself). Suitable for ages 5-105! 'Delightfully wacky' ***** (Families Edinburgh Magazine). 'They set it up so cleverly it really sings' **** (Daily Record). **** (North West End).
Children's Shows (Comedy / Clown)
Rubbish Romeo and Juliet
Rubbish Shakespeare Company
Pleasance Courtyard - Beneath
until 28th August, 10:35
Age? 5+
Georgie (Age 8) - ★★★★★
"It's a 5 from me, it was really good, I liked it when they done the macarena and when the guy was up the ladder, it's a very funny show."
Archie (Age 10) - ★★★★★
"It is amazing and soooo funny. My favourite part was when Romeo threw water on himself and I got to throw sausage rolls at the actors. I thought the references to Nando's were hilarious (I have never been to Nando's)."
Ben (Age 9) - ★★★★★
"Rubbish romeo and Juliet is a comedy show for funny kids. With lots of humour it's almost impossible to watch this show without laughing. This show is perfect for the hilarious energetic kids."
Nina (Age 11) - ★★★★★
"Rubbish Romeo and juliet is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. It is impossible to last the whole thing without laughing. 5 stars all the way. Note: Romeo and juliet was never taken seriously in the making of this play."
Sandy (Age 10) - ★★★★★
"This show is amazing! It’s so funny and creative a Shakespeare show with a modern twist. The best character (or actor) is the guy is the green t-shirt. The best bit was either the bit where I did the macarena dance (yes me) or the bit during the wedding where my friend Sam did a short speech “I just hope you have a good wedding” I quote. It was super funny 5 stars 😊😊😊😊😊."
Milo (Age 11) - ★★★★★
"Amazing show so funny and crazy.
Audience inclusive.
And only three actors!"
Art (Age 9) - ★★★★★
"I give Rubbish Romeo and Juliet five stars. It was hilarious! I loved the part where Romeo tried to poison himself. I also liked throwing sausage rolls."
Ailie (Age 14) - ★★★★
"I rate it 4 stars because it was really entertaining and they interacted with the audience a lot which made it more fun."
Jan (Age 11) - ★★★★1/2
"Funny family show which was very interactive with the audience. My friend went up on stage to hand a note to the actor but the actor rejected him (the only problem with this show). It was hilarious!!!
The best part was when Romeo and Juliet went pouring water on each other (they thought the water was poison). Juliet turned out to be a grown man!
My favourite top 3 characters iof this show is:
1. Juliet
2. Mr. Capulet
3. The messenger who went on stage (aka my friend)
Overall a hilarious show with the weirdest versions of the characters I have seen."
Stewart (Age: very old) - ★★★★★
Our reviews from Fringe Camp...
Have you seen the show?...
Pics from our trip to see Rubbish Romeo and Juliet during our Mix Up Theatre Fringe Festival Summer Camp...
And we even had a workshop with Rubbish Shakespeare Company this week as well!...
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