'Down the hatch!' yells our vicious Queen as yet another storyteller disappoints her. Swallowing the storyteller in just one gulp the Queen turns to her remaining servants, who quake and tremble. Will they be next to go Down the Hatch? Or can they save themselves and their friends with the best story she's ever heard? Come along for some family fun and hear some great stories told with a great deal of imagination and if you feel up to it, you could even help our poor servants with the telling of their tales.
Children's Shows (Family-Friendly / Theatre)
Down the Hatch!
Chaos Collective
Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters - Free Festival
until 27th August, 10:00
Age? 3+
Georgie (Age 8) - ★★★★★
"Down the hatch gets a big 5 out of 5. I really liked the queen. It was a really good show."
Nina (Age 10) & Ben (Age 9) - ★★★★★
"This was a funny and energetic show.
I loved it! It tells the tale of a queen who is cursed to be hungry all the time. So hungry that she starts eating people! She eats her servants and even her parents! It's a new fairytale."
Sam (Age 10) - ★★★★★
"A very weird and funny comedy about a queen who eats people if they don't entertain her."
Amina (Age 7) & Naima (Age 9) - ★★★★1/2
"We liked how dramatic & suspenseful it was!"
Have you seen the show?...
Our students had a brilliant private showing of the show at our Mix Up Theatre Fringe Festival Summer Camp!!!!....
Make sure you have booked in for the latest DRAMA CLASSES at Mix Up Theatre throughout Scotland and Online :)