A Bee Story is a uniquely Australian physical theatre show for children and families incorporating a kaleidoscope of circus, acrobatics, dance and live music. Telling the story of Queen Bee and Worker Bee who must work together to rebuild their hive after being destroyed by a bushfire. But things never quite go to plan... Join the bees on their buzzy adventures. Be enchanted by their pollen-collecting skills, honey-making abilities and superbee strength. A Bee Story has themes of environmentalism, sustainability and community spirit, and was directed by Robbie Curtis and co-created with musician and performer Lizzie McRae.
Children's Shows (Circus, Acrobatics)
Assembly George Square Gardens - Piccolo
until 25th August, 12:10
Age? 3+
Ben (Age 6) & Freya (Age 4) - ★★★★★
"Ben and Freya had a great time at their show. Ben was especially impressed that just two actors were able to tell a whole story, and how good the man was at juggling on his unicycle!"
We had a workshop with Arc Circus way back at our 2018 Fringe camp...
Make sure you have booked in for the latest DRAMA CLASSES at Mix Up Theatre throughout Scotland and Online :)